lundi 29 novembre 2010

Soldes de pré rentrée

Le blanc manteau qui drape le vert paysage de mon jardin
recouvre ma conscience d'un blues américanisé

Seulement deux pas à faire pour me délier
mais la peur mécanique n'est pas une orange
que je pourrais peler

Alors le chemin s'effiloche
et la solitude m'approche
occultant toute tendresse proche

Laissant beau jeu aux belles compulsions
de m'attirer dans leurs filets de mes ardeurs...

Petite question pour éviter la mutation :
Où est le cimetière des vieux paysages de formation ?

vendredi 19 novembre 2010

Jealousy level 2 or is it 5 ?

Hi Dude,

Sorry to apostrophe you in such a trivial way but it seems appropriate in regard to the content of my message.

First of all, you need to know that the Alt Text that lead me to this mail is the one called Alt Text: The Twisted Psychology of Freemium Games.

I do not know if the Freemium word is your find or not but I read it the first time in your column and I find it a real good one. Tipically the kind of words that makes me love even more the english foreign language. (I am french)

Long time reader of Wired, the RSS feed lead me to your den from time to time and it is always a cosy place with lots of humor (beer in dwarf equivalence) and words musicality (battle songs).

Would it be too much praise to say I agree with every word of it ? From wonderful "incipit" (lead-in sentence) to the complete understanding of the not-so-not-boring paradigm of this kind of game was a very nice developer of the negative I had in my mind about them to the would-be drilldown the Mad Men reference (which reminded me of some creative writing form I had never the will to put to the real test)

But the real factor that put me in the concurrent writer position was the leveling-up factor ! I am afflicted by the same virus !!!! 

Fortunately for me, I resist the meta-game issue by decreting that if the game is more enjoyable thru real money I will not spend a minute on it... Except if I would to be writing an article on it ;-)

Which leads me to my Subject line : I hate you at level 5 for doing what I had dreamed of doing for a long time and dreamed again from time to time. ;-)

Friendly and kind regards from France.

mercredi 3 novembre 2010


Sombres nuages sur paysage fragmenté
Effet papillon au gré d'un souffle de perception
La solitude de l'âme serait-elle une maladie honteuse ?

Lueurs d'espoir trop vite éclipsées
apeurent le futur de vielles rancœurs
en criant vengeance de vils instincts.

Enfourcher les plumes de l'inspiration
et s'envoler ne serait-ce qu'un instant
hors de la liberticide double spirale.

Caresser les ailes du lion
Laisser grandir son émotion
Et retrouver la joie du moment présent.

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